I’ve recently found myself with a little more free time, and so this new site is finally coming together. Topics I will be discussing include the typical meta-topic of hosting and updating affordable static sites on the internet, but I’ll also be touching on the challenge of maintaining control of a site while enabling external contributions … clearly not a thing just yet on this site.
Tools of the trade may include (in alphabetical order) AWS 🔗 , Cloudflare 🔗 , GitHub 🔗 , Slack 🔗 and Zapier 🔗 . Digging into the weeds on the use of those tools means I won’t be able to avoid things like build automation, cloud hosting (including security issues), possibly some microservice architecture, seasoned with some light coding.
I’ve also got a few generations of my posts on different sites, and over the next little while I’ll be consolidating them here, or at the very least linking to them. Finally, I will discuss some code analysis tools I’ve made for my own uses over the past few years.
See you ‘round.
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